Nueva publicación de Oxford Press: «Weltschmerz. Pessimism in German Philosophy, 1860-1900»

weltschmerz-pessimism-german-philosophyDesde la Sociedad de Estudios en Español sobre Schopenhauer nos complace presentarles una nueva publicación de gran importancia en la prestigiosa editorial de la Universidad de Oxford: Weltschmerz. Pessimism in German Philosophy, 1860-1900 (Weltschmerz [Dolor del mundo]. El pesimismo en la filosofía alemana, 1860-1900), escrita por el doctor Frederik C. Beiser. De esta obra nos encargaremos en el próximo número de Schopenhaueriana, en el que será analizado pormenorizadamente. Desde la SEES felicitamos de manera sincera y ferviente al profesor Beiser (Syracuse University) por su laudable labor, así como a Oxford Press por tan imprescindible publicación.

A continuación pueden leer la reseña editorial:

Weltschmerz is a study of the pessimism that dominated German philosophy in the second half of the nineteenth century. Pessimism was essentially the theory that life is not worth living. This theory was introduced into German philosophy by Schopenhauer, whose philosophy became very fashionable in the 1860s. Frederick C. Beiser examines the intense and long controversy that arose from Schopenhauer’s pessimism, which changed the agenda of philosophy in Germany away from the logic of the sciences and toward an examination of the value of life. He examines the major defenders of pessimism (Philipp Mainländer, Eduard von Hartmann and Julius Bahnsen) and its chief critics, especially Eugen Dühring and the neo-Kantians. The pessimism dispute of the second half of the century has been largely ignored in secondary literature and this book is a first attempt since the 1880s to re-examine it and to analyze the important philosophical issues raised by it. The dispute concerned the most fundamental philosophical issue of them all: whether life is worth living.


1: The Schopenhauer Legacy
2: Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics
3: Schopenhauer’s Pessimism
4: The Illusion of Redemption
5: Julius Frauenstädt: Apostle and Critic
6: The Optimism of Eugen Dühring
7: The Optimistic Pessimism of Eduard von Hartmann
8: The Pessimism Controversy, 1870-1890
9: Mainländer’s Philosophy of Redemption
10: The Pessimistic Worldview of Julius Bahnsen

Frederick C. Beiser was born and raised in the US, and studied in the UK at Oriel and Wolfson Colleges, Oxford. He also studied in Germany and lived in Berlin for many years, receiving stipends from the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung and the Humboldt Stiftung. He has taught in universities across the US, and is currently Professor of Philosophy at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York. Beiser is the author of Schiller as Philosopher (OUP, 2005), Diotima’s Children (OUP, 2009), The German Historicist Tradition (OUP, 2011), Late German Idealism(OUP, 2013), and The Genesis of Neo-Kantianism, 1796-1880 (OUP, 2014).

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Published: 05 May 2016

320 Pages


ISBN: 9780198768715

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